Anton Eberhard profile picture
Anton Eberhard
Principal Investigator

Anton Eberhard is a Professor at the University of Cape Town where he directs the Management Programme in Infrastructure Investment, Reform and Regulation at the Graduate School of Business. His research and teaching focuses on governance and regulatory incentives to improve utility performance, the political-economy of power sector reform, investment challenges, and linkages to sustainable development.

A recent focus has been the design of renewable energy auctions. He has worked in the energy sector across Sub-Saharan Africa, and other developing regions, for more than 35 years and was the founding Director of the Energy and Development Research Centre. He is a Foundation Member of the Academy of Science of South Africa. Previously he chaired the Deputy-President’s Advisory Panel on South Africa’s Electricity Crisis and has served on the country’s Ministerial Advisory Council on Energy, the National Planning Commission, the National Advisory Council on Innovation  and the Board of the National Electricity Regulator of South Africa. In 2012, he received the SA National Energy Association’s award for outstanding and sustained contributions to the enhancement of the South African energy environment.

Prof Eberhard has more than 100 peer reviewed publications to his credit including three recent books: Independent Power Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa; Power Sector Reform and Regulation in Africa; and Africa’s Power Infrastructure: Investment, Integration and Efficiency.  He has undertaken numerous assignments for governments, utilities, regulatory authorities, donor and multi-lateral agencies, banks and private sector companies.