A techno-economic and financial analysis of a Gulf-India undersea electricity interconnector

As part of efforts to decarbonise, power systems around the world will need to cope with increasing shares of intermittent renewable generation from technologies such as wind and solar photovoltaics (PV) in the coming decades. One promising solution to this challenge is cross-border electricity interconnectors.

This project conducted a techno-economic model of a combined India-GCC power system using OSeMOSYS, an open-source energy system modelling tool and combined with a financial model. The models were applied across 75 scenarios covering a range of cost variables and solar PV locations in the GCC.

Abhishek Shivakumar, Lucas Kruitwagen, Miles Weinstein, Sebastian Spiteri, Christopher Arderne, Youssef Almulla, William Usher, Mark Howells, Adam Hawkes
