The Electrifying Growth Project

In 2019, the estimated life expectancy in Sierra Leone was 54 years old. Estimates show that both the under-5 child mortality rate and maternal mortality rate are among the highest in the world. This is mostly due to preventable or treatable causes.

In addition, just 5% of the population in rural areas has access to electricity

The Electrifying Growth Project is a collaborative research project that aims to understand the role electrification has on economic and health development.

The government of Sierra Leone, together with donors and other stakeholders, aim to provide access to off-grid solar electricity in up to 97 rural communities in Sierra Leone, starting with local clinics.

The Electrifying Growth project is a research project implemented by Wageningen University, Yale University and the IGC and supported with grants from NWO, the Center for Unusual Collaborations, UNOPS, the IGC and the Applied Research Programme on Energy for Economic Growth (EEG) led by Oxford Policy Management. The EEG programme is funded by the UK Government, through UK Aid. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the UK government's official policies.

Sierra Leone
