Enhancing the social and economic impacts of energy investments through the use of energy to create value - Summary Report of Findings and Data

This presentation by the Arizona State University team focuses on data collected in Freetown, Bo, Kenema, and Segbwema in urban and rural settings, collected in 2020 and 2021, used to evaluate the social value of energy for households.

The social value of energy is defined as the social and economic value generated through energy use, after subtracting the costs, burdens, and risks imposed by the energy system. When a user uses energy to produce a service, such as lighting a room or running a sewing machine, they create value. At the same time, the energy costs money, as does the appliance used. The net social value is positive if the value created is greater than the costs of energy. The net social value is negative if the value created is less than the costs of energy. We therefore measured value creation and energy costs and burdens.

Note: This report is part of a package of three reports, which together summarise the results of the project. The other two reports are:

  • Final Synthesis Report of Research

  • Data Collection Methodology

Sierra Leone
Clark A Miller, Saurabh Biswas, Wilbourne Showers, BrieAnne Davis, Nalini Chhetri, Netra B. Chhetri, Mary Jane Parmentier, Festus Lansana
