Policy Brief: Improving access to renewable energy in rural Sierra Leone

In Sierra Leone, just 5% of the population in rural areas has access to electricity. Government of Sierra Leone supported by UNOPS increase access to electricity as part of the Rural Renewable Energy Project.

Our impact evaluation shows how the project increased access to cleaner energy in rural communities through off-grid solar electricity. However, more needs to be done to ensure a transformative impact. Mini-grids are more likely to be transformative when rural entrepreneurs have increased access to productivity-enhancing technologies that require electricity. To increase agricultural value-add and productivity, a combination of both electricity access and productive inputs are likely required.

Renewable Energy
Sierra Leone
Madison Levine, Niccoló Meriggi, A. Mushfiq Mobarak, Vasudha Ramakrishna , Lennart Sattlegger , Maarten Voors, Ariful Islam, Sellu Kallon, Julia Liborio
