Dr Joshua Kirshner
Joshua Kirshner
Principal Investigator

Dr Joshua Kirshner is a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at the Department of Environment and Geography, University of York.

Joshua’s research focuses on energy planning for low carbon development pathways and political economy of energy in developing contexts. He has carried out extensive field research in southern Africa and Latin America, particularly Mozambique, South Africa, and Bolivia, on extractive industries, commodity frontiers, off-grid and community energy projects, low-carbon transitions, transnational cooperation in energy systems, and also on urban community-led development and demographic change.

Alongside his work on energy, Joshua has a long-term interest in migration and social inclusion, particularly in urbanising and resource-rich contexts. This research has focused on the reduction of economic and environmental inequalities, access to services, and the sense of belonging in cities.

Joshua joined the University of York in February 2015, having previously held appointments at Durham University and Rhodes University in South Africa.

He has a PhD in City and Regional Planning from Cornell University, an MA in Urban Planning from UCLA, and a BA (Magna Cum Laude) in Social Anthropology from Harvard University (USA).