Ujjayant Chakravorty, Tufts University
Ujjayant Chakravorty
Principal Investigator

Ujjayant Chakravorty is Professor of Economics at Tufts University’s Department of Economics, Medford, US, and Fellow at the Toulouse School of Economics and CESifo.  

With his areas of expertise including resource and environmental economics, energy and development, and water, Ujjayant has worked on the economics of fossil fuels and clean energy, the effect of environmental regulation on energy prices, and the economics of water resources. His current work involves estimating the economic benefit of reliable electricity in rural India, studying groundwater markets in India and China, the effect of US biofuel mandates on world food prices and poverty, and the relationship between deforestation and household time allocation. 

Ujjayant has received research funding from NSF, NOAA, SSHRC and other agencies, and his research has been published in mainstream academic journals, including the American Economic Review, the Journal of Political Economy, Econometrica, the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (which he co-edits), and the Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (for which he is Associate Editor). He sits on the editorial board of Environmental Economics and Policy Studies and is a former Associate Editor for Resource and Energy Economics and Water Resources Research. Ujjayant is also the Co-Editor of the book India and Global Climate Change, published by Oxford University Press. 

Ujjayant has a PhD in Resource and Environmental Economics from the University of Hawaii and a BS in Civil Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.