wind turbines hills
Reducing Generation, Transmission and Distribution Inefficiencies and the Feasibility of Low Voltage Supply in LICs
Grid Access, Efficient & Productive Use
Vijay Modi
Electricity Market Design and Renewables Integration in Developing Countries
Renewable Energy
Goran Strbac, Frank A. Wolak
Powering in the City in the Global South: Increasing Energy Access for All in a Context of Urbanisation and Changing Urban Governance
Grid Access
Harry Smith, Marco Lorusso, Fionn MacKillop
Economic Growth and Development with Low-Carbon Energy
Renewable Energy
Sam Fankhauser, Frank Jotzo
What Do We Know About Economic Diversification in Oil-Producing Countries?
Michael L. Ross
The Impact of Electricity on Economic Development: A Macroeconomic Perspective
David I. Stern, Paul J. Burke, Stephan B. Bruns
Is Electricity Supply a Binding Constraint to Economic Growth in Developing Countries?
Grid Access
Neil McCulloch, Dalia Zileviciute
The Political Economy of Hydrocarbon Wealth and Fuel Prices
Paasha Mahdavi, Michael Ross
Gender Implications of Energy Use and Energy Access
Grid Access
Harold Wilhite