Barriers to regional cooperation for grid integration of large-scale renewable energy in Eastern South Asia
Detailed insights into the barriers to regional power trade of large-scale renewable energy in Eastern South Asia and suggestions for research.
Grid Access
EEG Energy Insight: Best practice in renewable energy auctions design and implementation – a global review
A global review of best practice in the design and implementation of auctions for procuring new renewable energy capacity.
Renewable Energy
EEG Energy Insight: Developing a Programme of Research on the Electricity Sector in Sierra Leone
Exploring the role of research in addressing the challenges of delivering universal electricity access in Sierra Leone.
Grid Access, Reliability
Sierra Leone
The Developing World Is Connecting to the Power Grid, but Reliability Lags
Catherine Wolfram on why connecting people to the grid is only the first challenge.
Electrification and Economic Development: A Microeconomic Perspective
In this Energy for Economic Growth (EEG) state-of-knowledge paper, we review literature on the microeconomics of electrification in developing countries and organize existing and future work around three questions.